There are plenty of popular food blogs from women who have moved from their lives in the city to a new life of self-sufficiency in the country. Perfect children, Idyllic landscapes, and freshly grown ingredients. I started my life on a beautiful farm in Southern Illinois, but I have lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex now for more than 30 years. I love the convenience of the city, and I’m honestly not very good at growing my own food. I’ve loved to cook since I was a kid, and I even had my own catering business for a short time. But as I get older, I’ve gotten a little lazy, and I feel like I’ve lost my style in the kitchen. I’m a strict recipe-follower, and I’m learning to relax and enjoy the process. This is my journey to re-discover my joy for cooking simple but delicious food for my family.
I’ve enjoyed cooking from a young age, and I’ve always approached it in a looser, more experimental way. To me, recipes are more like guidelines than they are strict rules to follow. When it comes to regular cooking, this approach usually works pretty well for me. I’ve never been afraid to try a substitution or add a little more garlic or even try a completely different seasoning to the one suggested. This method can lead to some really great and yummy discoveries, and it can teach you how to elevate a recipe you find online to be perfect for you. I’ve learned the hard way that this approach isn’t always the best way, for example, with baking. Baking is very much an exact science, not a lot of room to play there. So over the years I’ve learned when to freestyle and when to follow the rules. I hope to share that with all of you!